
Can you help us continue our vital work?

Discover how you can help Lighthouse Care make a difference! From discounted groceries, $25 trolley donations and emergency food relief, your support fuels our mission. Learn more about shopping with us, donating, becoming a Local Hero, and how every purchase of ‘Good Apparel’ contributes to families in need.

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How to Beat the Rising Cost of Living

“The rising cost of living” is a phrase we all know too well. A simple trip to your local supermarket leaves you reeling with frustration and confusion. How did three items come to $80?! Keep reading to learn how you can beat the rising cost of living. Unfortunately, with inflation,…

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Supporting a sustainable and affordable future

At Lighthouse Care, our number one priority and passion is helping families in need. There are countless families in our community struggling to make ends meet and with the rising cost of living it’s only getting harder. Did you know, according to the Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy,…

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Fundraiser Fever: Help Us Raise Funds for Those in Need

With Lighthouse Care’s 10th annual fundraiser, ‘Disco Fever,’ just around the corner, we thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on all we have accomplished thus far. In 2013, we held our first fundraising event to raise awareness and extra funds for Lighthouse Care. All proceeds went towards…

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Can your grocery shopping trip help change the world?

With so much happening around the world, it’s easy to be overcome by a feeling of helplessness. The humane desire to help families in desperate need can oftentimes be overshadowed by a feeling of despair or confusion about where to even begin.  “While earning your daily bread be sure you…

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Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month

Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month The prevention and awareness of Domestic Violence is something we should all work towards every single day, every month. Where do you begin with a topic that many shy away from, set aside as something that’s too far-removed from their own realities. Domestic Violence…

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6 Tips How to Save on Grocery Shopping

As a mum of 5 boys, especially when they were teenagers, it was always a challenge to keep healthy, nutritional food in the house – on a budget.  I remember them coming home from school and filling up on bottomless bowls of wheat-bix!  Endless 2 minute noodles, loaves of bread,…

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